2013년 12월 8일 일요일


Songyi says : 사랑해요 means I love you

Anne of Green Gables

Songyi says : Anne in my favorite among all the characters

in blue

Songyi says: i am in blue


Songyi says :  i put some praying faces together by photoshop and i thought it looks like praying Jesus' face for he was a prayer


Songyi says : Christians are those who call God's name wherever they go.

autume colour

Songyi says : That korean words means that stars appear in the clear autumn night like popping popcorn

Capitalism manual

songyi says : i don't like all the rules which make me just a robot programmed to the Capitalism not a human who has his own colors. That book stack is capitalism manuals.


songyi says : olleh!!!! 아싸뵤, 아싸 mean 'olleh!' in Korean language

my home

songyi says : i think where i put my shoes can be where i can stay and rest


when i regret i feel like my soul is melting in sorrow